Sunday, November 7, 2010

I definately dont post very often. The reason now is that we have 6 out of 6 members of our family in school this year. Chris is finishing his last year of the apprenticeship for the Electrical Union. He graduated in June this year, and is currently working at the Harry Allen Project powerhouse just past APEX. He is working 12 1/2 hour days 7 days a week for the past couple of months. We are actually excited that he will have time off as soon as the job ends. I'll hope that he takes a month or two off before getting back to work. Ginger is attending 5 classes at CSN Cheyenne campus and going for Occupational therapy. I enjoy it, but it is hard keeping up with homework with all of the other mom tasks I need to do. It will be worth it though. Brad is now in 8th grade and enjoying it because he has 3 A's and 3 B's and was shocked to find himself on the A B Honor roll. We instituted a monetary system for their grades a year ago, and we are going to owe him $74 when he gets his report card next month. Risa is in 7th grade and loving Choir more than anything. She is in all accelerated classes, and doing things like making a website, powerpoints, and high tech stuff like that. Its cool, but way beyond me. Im glad she loves it. Echo is in 6th grade and having fun at school. She is also enjoying Achievements for a few more months until she goes into young womens. Benjamin is 6 and in the first grade. He likes school and the extra hour each morning he gets with me

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